Introducing you to Miss Luna Paws, also known as Luna Boona, Luna Boona Bear, Boontown Bear, Loony, Luna ball and a billion other names.
Little miss Luna turned 25 weeks old yesterday. She burst into our life at 7 weeks old, look how tiny she was - our first ever kitten.

She is a fiesty, hillarious wee drama queen. She has her own
Twitter, Instagram and infiltrates my book blog, Facebook and actually all aspects of my life lol. Everybody loves following her antics and has said she should have her own platform (hence Insta, Twitter) but I think a wee blog may be a good shout. We shall see how it goes.

So how did this wee ball of adventure come to us? We had lost our girl, Princess Trixie at 18 and a half years in July, heartbroken as she was another legend who the vets hadn't expected to live past 13 when she was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure. By the September we had went to Cat's Protection but it was all outdoor cats and I can't have an outdoor cat. Fair play to those who can and do but we live near busy roads, lots of foxes and there are just too many horror stories so an indoor kitty is a must for us. Long story short, a girl whose purse I had reunited her with 5 years ago had gotten a kitten a few days before and by the Saturday was really allergic. She messaged us and wondered if we may be looking to bring a new furbaby into our home. We were there within an hour and a half and brought home our Luna. She had put up piccys asking for names, I thought Luna was perfect as she is half black and white, wee half moon, so we kept her name.

She is a very loving wee chop but also a bit of a diva, no idea where she gets it from. I hadn't realised how low and down I had been until this wee ray of sunshine came to our home. I have always had furbabies and this was the first time my home had none, it is deathly quiet and just unbareable, now we have no quiet moments with this wee crackpot.

I am a voracious reader, I have a wee blog to keep track of my books and Luna is in training to be my book blog assistant, as you can see she is still in training but actually poses with some books now although she likes to chew just about everything too.

19 weeks she has been with us and in that time she has gotten her wee claws into many hearts. Toys have been send from internet friends, she LOVES big fish, work pals and friends spoilt her at Christmas, such loved wee paws.
Most cats don't like water and can suffer health issues with their kidneys because of it. This little one is actually a really good drinker and my o/h bought her one of those filtered drink fountains. She also has regular bowls but as I have said, she is absolutely spoiled and whilst he will never admit it, she has him well and truly wrapped around her wee paw.

Speaking of water, most cats make the mistake of falling in a bath maybe once in their lifetimes? Not Luna, she has fell in 5 baths, jumped in one as it was draining and likes to get close, on the bath edge, when you are in a shower!

She has a "celebrity" look alike when she is in pounce mode, Puss In Boots - can you see the resemblance?

She got spayed a few days ago and trying to keep her from jumping and away from the wound, ooft, nightmare. She hasn't slowed down once, we bought the inflatable collar but she gave the vets such a hard time they had to put the normal one on her. They said she is a bit of a "live wire" mortified, she is normally such a loving friendly placid wee thing. O/h had her home and in less than 15 minutes she had the normal collar off, then the inflatable one and straight to the wound. Other half took her back to the vets and we have the wee bodysuit for her now, she hates it. Actually pretended she couldn't move initially and screamed her displeasu. Then turned her back on us but sleeps all night with it and it keeps her wound safe.
When we are both home and watching her, like a hawk, we leave them off and let her kick about with the inflatable one which gives her more freedom to give me a heart attack with her jumping. The vet say about a week and then we can let her have it all off.
And that kind of brings us up to date, we are hoping to take her on a wee road trip to visit some relatives, we have her wee harness and whilst she is a wee indoor kitty I think a wee look at some outdoor stops whilst taking her on her first holiday might be fun. We have the bubble dome back pack from when Trixie was doing her bucket list (she hated it), the harness and her big safety/travel cage, we are a go! P.s the below piccy is an older one of her but I do love it and think its perfect for her adventure face :P